Improve Your Run with Our Run Gait Analysis Program

If you are a runner who cannot seem to increase your speed, consider that your gait may have something to do with it. Your running gate is the cycle your leg travels through when you run one step. Each running cycle contains a stance and a swing. We look at the way you perform both movements when you enroll in ourrun gait analysis program in Phoenix AZ.

What Are the Runner’s Stance and Swing?

The stance is the initial period when your foot connects with the ground and your body moves past it. Your foot hits the ground, called impact, while your body absorbs the force of this movement. You move into the swing phase of running when your body travels ahead of your foot and your foot leaves the ground. Your leg flexes with your knee and hip before making contact with the ground again.

While in the swing phase, your body temporarily leaves the ground and enters the float phase. Your body briefly floats in the air unsupported, which is the primary difference between your gait while running as opposed to walking.

What We Include in Your Run Gait Analysis

First, one of our physical therapists completes a detailed physical examination and reviews your medical history. Below are some of the tests we complete during your exam:

  • Core testing
  • Flexibility
  • Functionality testing
  • Injury-specific testing
  • Posture
  • Strength

In addition to a physical exam, we also take video footage of your current running gait to help point out areas where you can improve. Your physical therapist will also recommend specific orthotics and footwear that could improve your speed and form. Please reach out to request an appointment for a rungait analysis in Scottsdale AZ to learn more.

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