5 Tips to Prevent Running Injuries

Running injuries can turn a healthy pastime into a frustrating setback. Yet many injuries are avoidable. Here are some tips from the performance experts at Endurance Rehab to help you.

Always Warm Up

Before running, do a warm-up routine that includes basic movement and stretching. This habit will improve your range of motion and add lubrication to your joints. If you are taking a longer run, keep the first couple of miles at a slower pace to help your body warm up completely.

Build Slowly

If you want to increase the length of your runs, start slow and work your way up. Gradually increase the speed, which is the intensity of your run, as well. Giving your body time to adjust to what you’re asking it to do will mean better results and less risk of injury.

Use Good Form

The form you use when running will impact how much injury risk you face. Some tips for form include standing tall, using good posture, and placing your feet under the center of your body when you land. Our running gait analysis service can help you fine-tune your form.

Give Your Workout Variety

Several types of running injuries are repetitive use injuries. When you perform the same exercise, on the same route, with the same shoes every day, you increase your risk of this type of injury. Vary your distance, speed, terrain, and even the shoes you use, and consider adding other workout types to the mix to reduce this risk.

Get Enough Rest and Fuel

Both the food you eat and the sleep you get at night impact your injury risk. Sleep is when the body restores and recovers, and that includes the restoration and recovery of muscles. Food helps keep both muscles and bones strong, and under-fueling increases the risk of injury.

Are you looking for more injury prevention tips? Endurance Rehabilitation can help. Schedule an appointment today.

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